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Prioritizing the People: District and ALL Tribal Members
Everything we do must ​prioritize the most vulnerable members of our Oyate, specifically, our elders, our children & youth including those among us who are most in need.
When we take care of their human services and financial needs, we bring pride and honor to our tribal government and elevate its great purpose.
Unity and Solidarity in Tribal Council Leadership
As a former member of the Tribal Council, I understand the challenging nature of the work our leadership undertakes. I get it - we can't always get along.
However, what I stand for is the opportunity for Tribal Council to think and act in solidarity instead of engaging in divisive politics that get in the way of achieving our strategic goals.
District and Overall Tribal Economic Vitality​
It has been proven by past and current Tribal Council leaders and staff that our SWO business enterprises face challenges on a daily basis.
I want us to put our creativity, intellect and finances to strengthen our For Profits, using the best economic and financial management models, tools and human capital at our disposal to address challenges. ​
Please support my campaign and Vote on November 5th!!​
Lisa Jackson for
Big Coulee District Tribal Representative
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